Largely unoccupied August Kranti Bhawan (New Delhi) – A HUDCO Property

NEW DELHI: Public-sector undertaking Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited (HUDCO) had constructed a large commercial complex August Kranti Bhawan at Bhikaji Cama Place (New Delhi). But almost its entire ground-floor except a few shops are lying locked without any occupancy ever since the building was constructed many years ago. Moreover many of rooms at other floors including mainly on second floor are likewise never occupied. It is a gross wastage of public-resources when their sky-high rental-rates in nearby buildings. HUDCO should take steps for proper utilisation of this complex built at huge cost of public-money. Now since Central Information Commission (CIC) having vacated a major portion of the building after CIC got its own building CIC Bhawan, occupancy at the building has further gone down.
HUDCO should make a detailed survey of its other properties, and should approach the concerned ministry/department of Union government for proper utilisation of its unoccupied properties. With many government-offices requiring shifting after demolition of government-buildings because of new Central Vista being developed, government-offices in to-be-demolished buildings should be transferred in buildings of HUDCO lying vacant.