Lackluster Bridge Construction Turned Life & Death

Paralakhemundi- Lacklusture attention of bridge construction found causing life & death question. Such traumatic situation arised at Kerandi-Dalimbapur road of Gosani block of Gajapati district. Due to dilapidated condition of old bridge that connected in between Kerandi & Dalimbapur RD department started construction of new bridge.But position is in turmoil situation where ahead of monsoon season new bridge construction started by destroying old bridge. Quality of construction works still on suspicious situation on sustainability. That bridge Accommodated for the people of 3 villages eg, Dalimbapur, Amara & Ratini around daily 3000 people.So till completion of bridge temporary road constructed that too on mud filled soil. It is difficult for safety of 2-wheelers & even pedestrians.
On flash rain it will be more grave situation even question of life & death. Says Samiti Member Dharmarao,before start of construction all 3 villages should have called for meeting & agreement should have signed on February. But delay on work trigerred more inconvenience on safe passage & doubtful of quality construction work. Ex-Sarpanch of Kerandi panchayat Sunil Mahapatra said RD department only giving target on utilization of fund instead of measuring quality & sustainability. For which for 3 kms villagers have to cover 11 kms via Andhrapradesh to go to Dalimbapur to avoid risk on diversion muddy road. District administration attention he drew to sort out the situation.