Labourer’s palm, foot chopped off for demanding wages (!).

Gajapati:A 45-year-old labourer’s palm and foot were chopped off by middlemen for demanding wages for working at a cement factory in Uttar Pradesh last month. The labourer, Sanka Murmu, belongs to Kalaba village under Adava police station limits in Gajapati district.
Sanka said four youths of Kalaba village lured him to work at the cement factory in Uttar Pradesh promising him Rs 20,000 per month. After working for a week, when Sanka demanded wages from the middlemen, they beat him up and made him drink alcohol. When Sanka lost consciousness, the middlemen chopped off his palm and foot. Later, they admitted him to a hospital where he underwent treatment for two days.
Sanka’s wife Sushila said some youths brought him in a vehicle on September 30 and “dumped him at our house, threatening us with dire consequences if we went to the police.”
Sanka was admitted to the community health centre at Mohana on Monday.