Labourer Electrocuted at Mohana of Gajapati

Odishabarta News
Mohana: At Nikiti village of Damadua panchayat of Mohana block, of Gajapati district near Bijelgajhi a labourer, named Kalu Mallick(22), while coming by sand loaded tractor came across with swinged charged service wire of 11 kv and immediately died at spot, where his mother Linjama Mallick(47) slightly injured who was in tractor trolley. As per the information, since last fortnight this indeed such second incident succumbed 2 lives.
Particularly at Adava area mostly such affected to human beings and animals too. There at stationed head quarter posted by an Asst. Engineer & other line staff who turn hiding such tragic incidents despite continuous 2 deaths nor any precautions being taken.