Labourer Assn Triggered against Jt Commissioner Anger on Submitting Memorandum

Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi:YFA (Youth for Action) on collaboration with Viswakarma Labourers Association & other construction labourer association joined together to submit their grievances through a memorandum to Jt. commissioner at District Labour Office. Those team could gather information on visit of Joint Commissioner Laxmidhar Rath to Paralakhemundi & subsequently the above group led by Pinniti Kranti, President of YFA & other labour group wanted to meet him on various issues of labourers. But Jt. Commissioner did not allow them. Even media representatives too stumbled by his anger with those campaigners. At last while Commissioner Rath tried to leave,those labour group picketed before the vehicle.At last Rath got down from his vehicle & received the memorandum. Still his ignited mind vehemently weighed to take up their grievances. Rather he retorted that those labourers are being biased by touts.
Moreso an amount of 1 lakh 79 thousand 5 hundred 35 rupees siphoned by labour department which could be brought through RTl. On such issue he could not answer too.Among others Vice President Yuvraj, more than 100 members of those labour association were present. They demanded on various alterations on Covid-19 & other schemes.
Media representatives too have been scapegoats with eye ball to eye balls by those VIPs like DFO, Gajapati who recently stormed against media representatives & now by Jt.Commissioner Mishra. So now media representatives are captive to take legal action against them for defamation.