Kumutipankala-A Day Dream on Development


Paralakhemundi:Kumutipankala village is situated under Purunapani panchayat of RUdayagiri block. Surrounded by Brusha and Bagdevi hills, there 26 households are living. Lackluster attitude towards development seen observed in the village though we just celebrated 75th Independence Day. Beyond all supporting amenities like road communication, hazardous on health & education and not the least drinking water are missing.

One has to reach that village via Ganjam district. From Samantarapur or Badapada this village is 4 to 5 kms distance. From Chelagada jn via Sialilati distance about 75 kms through Gajapati district. Road connection not reached.On rainy days hardly one can reach that village.
Drinking water is a severe problem where out of 4 tube wells only 2 tube wells are available for drinking purpose that too hardly 2 pots of water. Neither any dug well nor a pond which can quench thrist to livestocks too.
Under Swacha Bharat toilets constructed at each house but can not be useful due to lack of water.
A school established on 2008 in that village. Villages like Bahardampa, Kumbhikhalo, Kumutipankala, Bhitartampa, Padarbadi, Malsindhaba, Nahanpur are dependent on school functioning from class 1 to 5.Though 2 teachers posted to teach 41 students, but hardly they turnout for regular classes, showered by CRCC and BEO.Uniforms or MDM too not regular. Nor study materials given to students.
Electricity is a day dream in the village.Though solar power fixed for households but due to defunct of machine darkness hovered around village at night. At Bahardompa village which is 2 kms from the village electricity service connected but the host deprived.
Not to say on health rather more notions on hazards. Anganwadi centre not regularly functional, where pregnant, lactating and babies under 5 years hardly benefitted nutrition food supply. For normal fever they carry by cot to Dengaosta or Badasamantarapur of Ganjam district.
PDS too seems lacklusture where those downtrodden head of households like Prasant Mallick, Siba Mallick, Susant Mallick, Santos Mallick yet to get ration cards & poverty stricken like Uday Mallick and Kandri Mallick deprived of old age pension benefits.
Housing scheme hardly reached except scope for 6 families under Biju Pucca Home scheme. Rest lodged at cotteges. MGNREGS too slipped to benefit those families Interacted with BDO RUdayagiri, Pradip Nayak no answer grabbed. While interacted with Collector Gajapati, Lingaraj Panda, he assured a strategic plan for that village. At spot surveillance details to be framed. Under PMGSY road construction will also be taken. For drinking water from nearest flowing channel purified water will be supplies. Block administration has been instructed for need assessment of village too.