Killed Friend at Home, Killer Surrendered

Paralakhemundi-At Betarsing village of Laxmipur panchayat of Rayagada block one Mani Bhuyan(45) killed. Narendra Sabar,who killed Mani Bhuyan, has been surrendered at Rayagada police station. As per information received on Thursday at 9pm Narendra Sabar taken excess liquor & addicted.He told Laxman Bhuyan to lift him at his home.But Laxman denied as he felt restless.So the accused requested Mani Bhuyan to lift him at his home. After they reached at his home he attacked with sharp sickle & later the accused surrendered at police station.Laxman Bhuyan deceased brother on written given complain, as a result case(60/23)registered at Rayagada police station. Deceased body sent to DHH Paralakhemundi for postmortem.