Justice for All: NMIMS Indore’s Legal Aid Camp Makes a Mark in Hatod

August 2023: SAMATVA-The Legal Aid & CSR Society of NMIMS Indore, in collaboration with the DistrictLegal Services Authority (DLSA), Indore, successfully organized a Legal Aid Camp at Hatod, Indore.
ThecampwitnessedanoverwhelmingresponsefromtheresidentsofHatodandthekeydignitaries, making it a resounding success. The event was graced by the presence of Adv. Ishwarchandra Solankiand Adv. Sajjan Singh Solanki, Panel advocates DLSA, Indore, Mr. Satyanarayan Mandloi, Principal, Government Inter College, Hatod, Mr. Akshay Jain, Journalist, along with Dr. Ashutosh Hajela, Associate Dean, School of Law, NMIMS-Indore, thefaculty coordinators of SAMATVA, Mr. Aman Deep Singh, Assistant Professor, School of Law,NMIMS-IndoreandMs.SunisthaMoghe, AssistantProfessor,SchoolofLaw,NMIMS-Indore.
The camp comprised several sessions which included a free legal aid booth, sensitization by experts on several issues like ‘Protection against domestic violence’, ‘Prevention of child labour and child sexual abuse’, and ‘Information on several government schemes’, to name a few. As part of the legal aid camp, documentaries on fundamental rights, sexual harassmentat the workplace,andgirl childeducation were also shown to the residents.
Students also performed a ‘street play on the theme of female feticide and the ever-prevalent dowry system in our society. Students of NMIMS spread awareness about these issues through a door-to-door sensitization and survey drive covering 10 wards of the Hatod tehsil. Around 50 residents of nearby villages approached the free legal aid booth for the resolution of their issues which were primarily related to domestic violence, maintenance, old age and widow pension, and availing various government schemes. The legal aid booth consisted of Prof. Sunishtha Moghe from NMIMS Indore and panel advocates from DLSA, Indore.
Dr. Ashutosh Hajela discussed the importance of legal literacy in society and Prof. Aman Deep Singhtalked about the scope of legal education and guided students on how to pursue it. Many studentsof Hatod came forward to speak to our faculty members on the ways and avenues to pursue legal education.
The success of the Legal Aid Camp would not have been possible without the unwaveringsupportfromtheresidents and officials of Nagar Parishad, Hatod, along with the District Legal Services Authority, Indore. The Legal Aid Society of NMIMS, SAMATVA, remains committed to fosteringlegalawareness,empoweringcommunities, andensuringaccess to justiceforall.
Talking about the noble initiative, Dr. Ashutosh Hajela, said, “We strongly believe that having knowledge about the law is crucial for creating a society where people feel empowered. Our Legal Aid Camp initiative aims to raise awareness about the rights and protections that every person has. It is important for communities to be well-informed about their options so they can confidently exercise their rights and pursue justice when necessary. We are dedicated to promoting awareness. Will persist in our endeavor to empower communities and guarantee equal access to justice for everyone.”