JSPL Celebrates Lord Viswakarma Puja at Angul amid COVID- 19 Restrictions


 Angul,17/09/21:  Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. (JSPL) observed Lord Vishwakarma Puja at it’sAngul Plant premises. JSPL’s Angul Executive Director Mr. Damodar Mittal, Executive Director Mr. Sabyasachi Bandyopadhyay and CHRO Mr. Pankaj Lochan attended the Vedic puja rituals held at the Plate Mill area of the plant and prayed for the wellbeing of all the workforce of the company.

Workers and Employees from various departments visited the Puja and seeked blessings of the divine architect and engineer.

In addition to this a special Puja of Lord Vishwakarma, enshrined inside the Jagannath Temple situated at DevBhoomi, Jindal Nagar, was also conducted.

COVID 19 protocols were strictly followed at both the puja venues.