Jindal Steel & Power Won 5 Gold Medals in ICQCC-22 held in Indonesia

Bureau, Odishabarta
22nd Nov, Angul: Jindal Steel & Power (JSP) won 5 Gold medals in the International Convention on Quality Control Circles -22 (ICOCC) held in Jakarta, Indonesia during 15th to 18th Nov. Five Kaizen (Change for Good) teams of JSP, four from Angul & one from Tensa known as Panther, Shakti, Kaushal, Dynamic, & Sparta comprising 14 engineers, participated in this tournament and won the highest category awards in their respective fields.
ICQCC is the highest recognition forum globally in the field of Quality Circle and Allied concepts and this time 757 participants from 14 countries participated to show-up their unique skills.
At JSP, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) – a Japanese methodology, is practiced all across the plants and employees are consistently engaged in this improvement process by applying the concepts of TPM.
In addition to the above, Mr.Bhuwan Pratap-AVP & Head , Central TPM/TQM/Energy Mgmt of the Company has qualified to become a Certified Judge for ICQCC and participated as Judge in ICQCC-22 for evaluation of case studies presented by industries from across world, except JSP-Group Company.