Jagannath Niketan Orphan Borders Complimented

Paralakhemundi:Subash Jamadar, Retd AIG of Police visited to an orphanage home & blessed those inmates. On the eve of his 31st marriage anniversary alongwith his wife Indira visited Jagannath Niketan at RSitapur. Blended all blessings & compliments for those students who felt presence of real parents even though they deprived love of own parents. Presided by Anadi Panigrahi & in presence of Harmohan Patnaik,who totally looking after those inmates sound livings & career building.Jamadar expressed his pleasure for all routine works maintained by management & students grown up towards shinning.He amazed by their rhymns on Sanskrit recited by those inmates. The couple presented blankets to 28 inmates of the institution. Among others Activist Bhagabat Padhi & Narasingha Deo were present.