Irregularities on Payment to SHG of Covid-19 Time Food Serving

Paralakhemundi- During Covid-19 of first phase,on quarantine some inmates stayed at Radhacharan Das High School of Bapujipentho of Agarkhandi panchayat of Gosani block.Being stayed at Bagusala panchayat of Gosani block,Manikantha SHG members entrusted for supplying of food to those inmates of quarantine.They showed their commitment to supply food being the SHG of another panchayat.On life risk they dared to serve those inmates. On 2020 they served at that school during the whole period of staying of those inmates. Two times meals with tiffin served to all inmates in that school.
They are supposed to get 2 lakh 70 thousands,which they produced their bills through PEO to BDO Gosani at that time. But they were sanctioned 1 lakh, rest of 1.70 lakhs amount yet to get.
While contacted to then PEO & BDO,they did not get clear response too. From whom they purchased rations they are yet to pay their outstanding dues.From them & from own households those members are rebuked for their philanthropic gesture. Those bills given to the then PEO Laxmidhar Kanhar on food supply.But that PEO retired now. Interacted with new BDO Ajay Kumar Pradhan, he said both present & the then PEOs will be called for enquiry. Letter too served to them,he added.