Irregularities at Burukhata on Illegal Tax Collection

Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi- Mahendragiri is a historical & mythological place where tourists from outreach use to visit. Meanwhile in the name of Eco Development Committee illegally collecting tax from tourists.So the area people lodged complain on last Monday grievances before Collector Gajapati Lingaraj Panda at Koinpur.Regarding such collection no information is at block ir district administration level. Immediately Collector instructed BDO & Tehsildar to set an enquiry on such collections. Area people say that by Forest department in the name of eco development committee used to collect tax earlier. Later on instruction given not to collect such tax further in future.Still then they(forest department) go on collecting tax.By using old token some persons use to collect tax for their vested interest.Neither that amount goes to revenue nor have legality.Had it been collected through Koinpur panchayat this would have used on development with such tax amount, they added. BDO Raja Ranjit Pratap Bal said that a thorough enquiry will be done by getting all documentary evidence. Tehsildar Lilabati Acharya said that a committee will be formed in presence of BDO to sort out such issues.