IPL Betting Kingpin Dinesh Kumar arrest by Berhampur Police

Berhampur:Running a multi-corer rupee cricket betting ring estimated at with crore rupees, notorious bookie Dinesh Kumar Rathi arrested by Gosaninuagaon Police, Berhampur from Sovaram Basak Street,,Kolkota under Posta Police Station on 24.02.2021 and produced him in the ID before the Court of ACMM, Kolkata on 25.02.2021.
Earlier the Berhampur Police had arrested five numbers of Distributors namely R. Lalie Achary, K. Prasant Kumar Subudhi, Vishal Agarwal, Ajaya Kumar Panda, Sanjit Kumar Behera and one Seller Ajit Kumar Barada @ Badal have been arrested along with seizure of huge cash of Rs.30.00,000/-, in IPL betting racket with seizure of mobile phone handsets. SIM cards, ATM cards, PAN cards, motor vehicle as well as screenshots from the mobile phone handset used for facilitating online IPL betting.
When police bring them on remand for further interrogation they disclosed much information to Police.
Keeping on the sensitivity of the case Berhampur SP, Pinak Mishra constituted a team led by IIC Gosaninuagaon and Cyber Police Station.
Today in a press meet SP,Mishra said, we have gain a major success With the help of electronic surveillance our officers could able to arrest the notorious bookie Dinesh Kumar Rathi from Kolkata the Kingpin.
From his exclusive possession the mobile phone handset. SIM Cards, Laptop has been seized. During the course of investigation, a number of bank accounts of the accused Dinesh Kumar Rathi have been frozen having cash of Rs.72.96,000/-. (Approx).Several Bank accounts have also been frozen having cash of Rs. 5.29.26,499.69/-.(!).
In connection a case has been registered at. Gosaninuagaon Police Station Case No. 141 dated 29.10.2020,u/s 294A/420/120B/34 IPC r/w Sec. 485 Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978.
The accused now remanded to Police Custody of Gosaninuagaon Police Station and the investigation of the case is in progress, he said.