BERHAMPUR:Youth for Social Development (YSD) is a non-for-profit independent organisation aspiring to improve the lives of urban and rural poor in Odisha specifically the most vulnerable people, children, youth and women issues related to governance, participation, youth and child development and climate change since 2006. Youth for Social Development (YSD) pleaded for “Each for Equal” in the society observing the International Women’s Day (IWD) on 8th of March 2020 at Old Berhampur Bauri Street of Berhampur, Khallikote, Chatrapur, Purusottampur and Kabisuryanagar Block, numbers of participants coming cross different areas gathered to observe the day.
On this occasion, Social Worker Mrs. Rita Das, Senior Anganwadi Worker Manjulata Das, Mr. Sudhanshu Sekher Mahanty from Restless Development extended her best wishes and said “Women play a pivotal role in the society & their empowerment is the empowerment of our society at large”. In the same time a programme named Kishori Shakti Karyakarm has been lunched and inaugurated by Mrs. Rita Das. The main theme of the programme is aware the adolescents and community on menstruation hygienic ,health and Right age at marriage, check school and college dropout, link skill development basically emphasis on employability and life skill and promote gender through building adolescents collectives. The Ex. Sarapancha of Ch.Nuagoan of Purusottampur block Mrs. Aabha Parida, teacher in Kendupata of Khallikote block Mrs. Trupti Rekha Parida and Sunarijhola of Kabisuryanagar block Mrs. Gitanjali Swain shared the objective of the programme said, “Today’s celebration is to respect all those women champions who have brought significant change in their life, in their families and in the society as a whole by establishing and promoting gender justice norms in their action.”
On the occasion, participants were also taken pledge to support the theme i.e. Balance on gender roles, to stop domestic violence, stop early child marriage and foster the message across platforms through different media.
Volunteers such as Smurti Kumari Sahu and Divyabhanjani Sashamal took active participate and from YSD Nageswar Patra, Abhiram Kanhar,Tapash Ku. Patra, Prakash Ch. Sahoo, Mitu Priya Patra and Rajendra Badatya facilitate programmee.