Independence Day at Various Institutions

Paralakhemundi-77th Independence Day celebrated at various institutions. Held at Women’s Higher Secondary School, Principal Dr. Ambica Devi hoisted tri-color flag. She advised students to keep cleanliness, build good environment with polythene free Paralakhemundi as a promise, use of less petrol by using cycle. DPriyanka with all teaching & non-teaching staff were present. A cycle rally moved by students,to sensitize on use of less petrol, use more by cycle to keep body feet & build good environment.
Held at Mahendragiri Govt. High School,Balakrushna Patra ward councillor of ward no 3 hoisted the flag. Among others Headmaster Purnachandra Pradhan with all teaching & non-teaching staff with alumnis Bhagabat Padhi, Bichitrananda Bebarta & Nimai Charan Patra were present.
A great achievement of the school with merits,where among students;Sumeet Kumar Mahapatra got first prize on painting(jr) Papi Maharana first in essay(sub-jr) , Papun Maharana 3rd on essay(jr) & Neha Pradhan(sub-jr)3rd on painting on Independence Day got prizes from Collector Gajapati. Indeed school has marvellous achievement that accoladed by Director of OSEPA, Anupam Saha for constructed of mid day dinning hall through alumnis contributions.