Incredible Feat of Mohana Police to Seize Crores of Ganza

Paralakhemundi-Mohana police of Gajapati district had a hard effort to strangulate & seized crores of contraband ganza. On interior block of Mohana ganza cultivation is rampant.
Soon after Basant Kumar Sethy joined at Mohana Police Station he eclipses sleeping of those ganza mafias. On various ways he strangulated their under current ganza business.
Likewise yesterday at Luhagudi near nakagate with his staff while patrolling found a faster moved truck. While trying to block that vehicle driver & his co-friends whisked away by leaving the truck. While raiding there were 135 polythene bags of ganza, consisted of 4349 kgs of ganza. Seized those ganza & investigation is going on. SP of Gajapati Swathy S. Kumar at Mohana Police Station on press meeting with SDPO RUdayagiri Aswini Nayak & Mohana IIC were present. Case handed over to SI Krushna Chandra Mallick.