Incredible Efforts for Skill Development of Inmates at Jail

Angul:Where silence streaming among inmates,who hold out from evils & unthinkable violence to sit in four walls in jail without smile, for them some litmus test generated by staff whose incredible innovations partake their revival & rethinking to join on mainstream.
Such efforts taken at Angul Jail to bring those inmates towards limelight & brink all hope & desire to join them on mainstream.Led by Superintendent of Angul Jail Suchitr Das & Jailor Subhasmita Biswal such redeeming steps taken to join those inmates on different skill development programs. Since last June 2022 various initiatives taken supported by JSPL Foundation & UCORSETI. To warm up those inmates 3-day yoga training conducted & imparted by Swamy Satyabindu Saraswati, followed by tips on Raja Yoga by Brahmakumari Institution.Besides physical warm up those inmates made steadfast on their skill development scenarios through various inputs. 2-day training on mushroom productions conducted.Besides that supported by UCORSETI agarbathi,candle making, phenyl processing, handwash,ujwala making also initiated.By district headquarter hospital of Angul screening test on eye camp & HIV also detected. For female inmates bag making & stitching also given tips through training.
To ground them on discipline level patriotic movies shown to inmates.
In building towards education career on secondary class 3 inmates successfully passed through NIOS. At Jail NIOS Centre has been launched to refill indepth knowledge among inmates. Fortunately a sales centre to be opened soon,to attract customers for selling of those processing products made by inmates.About 60 to 70 inmates at 20-50 years, where about 20 women also joined in such skill development & other program.
Says Suchitra Das Superintendent of Angul, “We will not leave any leaves whatever task we undertake for discipline among inmates to join them on mainstream of their successful future once they release”.
“They will eclipse all darkness from their whimsical brain where both psychological & physical support needed & also impart on financial empowerment necessary”,says Jailor Subhasmita Biswal. Indeed Subhasmita Biswal had most valuable experiences to inspire inmates on income generation program among inmates on her previous station at Chatrapur Sub Jail of Ganjam district.