Dushmant Panda,Odishabarta
KALAHANDI:Odisha High Court directed the kalahandi Collector to enquire about the alleged malpractices in the Junagarh Regulated market committee (RMC). The Regulated market committee (RMC) is under the cooperation department and monitored by the Odisha State Agricultural Marketing ( OSAMA )Board and managed by an elected Committee headed by concern Sub Collector as its Chairman. Every RMC of the state should follow the Odisha Agriculture Produce Market ( OAPM) Act. The Cooperation dept through OSAMA Board appoints an officer as the Secretary of RMC.

It is alleged that no such OAPM Act is followed in Junagarh RMC and after the transfer of the than Secretary on Promotion one junior employee who was working as Accountant was kept incharge as Secretary by the order of Osama Board. As there is double locker system there should be two officials to handle the accounts matter in Junagarh RMC but no file was moved by the incharge secretary and he enjoyed two posts. It was alleged that violating the OSAMA board circular no. no.2213/13.08.2018 regarding DLR appointment and continuously appointing the DLRs and paying them regular salary in each and every month from RMC fund. It was alleged that many high budget works were executed by Junagarh RMC on the Government land even on Gochar Land without any land alienation in the name of RMC or DRCS, Kalahandi. It was alleged that violating the Government Finance Dept notification no.6062/F dtd.12.03.20018 and paid the all the total arrear pay bill of 7th pay commission to all the employees of Junagarh RMC. It was also alleged that there were malpractices and manipulations in repairing of godowns and construction works by junagarh RMC. It was also alleged that without any proper tender process many commodities were purchased by Junagarh RMC.It was also alleged that the accountant was appointed in Junagarh RMC as junior clerk cum typist without having any employment registration and without having any typing qualification.
After the allegation made before the higher authorities the regional marketing Officer has made an enquiry on 26.04.2018 and opined that the said accountant cum secretary in charge neither following any working procedure nor abiding any guideline, ignoring statutory and required guideline and his continuance in Junagarh RMC is highly detrimental to the interest of the institution. It was also alleged that by the high level pressure in OSAMA board the said enquiry report was suppressed and no action was taken there off. Hon”ble High court of Odisha in the W.P.(C) case no. 26397/2019 directed to the Collector Kalahandi to enquire about the malpractices and manipulations in the Junagarh RMC within six weeks.