Rajesh Mohapatra,Odishabarta
ROURKELA: Corona patients’ numbers are increasing PAN India and today we found a new patient in Cuttack, increased the number to 6 in Odisha. Looking at the furiousness of Corona the need of the hour is proper testing, social distancing and quality infrastructure for treatment. In the perspective, Rourkela Hi-Tech Medical College & Hospital has come up with COVID-19 hospital and OPD care in its hospital premises which is kick started from today. This facility will enable many COVID-19 patients to have a better treatment and will help to attend the need of a large population in Sundergarh district and its periphery area. In a meeting, this service was opened for all where many senior doctors of Hi-Tech hospital including Dr. SN Mohapatra, HOD, Medicines, Hi-Tech Medical College, Dr. Sudha Pradhan, Director-In charge ,Rourkela Govt. Hospital, MLA, Rourkela, Sarada Prasad Nayak and staffs of Hi-Tech hospital were present. This facility will entertain COVID-19 patients, once admitted; patient will be provided food, accommodation and treatment absolutely free. Location wise this hospital stands just side of Rourkela Govt. Hospital which is the biggest Govt. hospital in Rourkela and thousands of patients visit this hospital every day. This will help the authority of RGH to use this facility and may send COVID-19 positive patient to this new branch of Hi-Tech hospital for treatment when they will have shortage of beds. Although it was the need of the time to start any new infrastructure to fight COVID-19 but social distancing must not be ignored.