Report;Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi:As a first instance National Child Rights Commission with Odisha Representatives assembled on Hearing at DRDA Conference Hall Paralakhemundi.Presided by RK Anand of National Child Protection & Rights Committee where Ansu Sharma, Ananya Das,Anjali Mehlka and Harihar Nayak,Gitanjali Bastia Odisha Representatives along with Deepa Das Secretary of Gajapati District Legal Aid Cell,Collector Anupam Saha & SP Sarah Sharma graced on the occasion.
An united efforts by District Administration Hearings like Child Labor,Health aspect, Disability Pension, Adoption, Shelter Provision, Sexual Abuse to child taken place. Out of 920 cases,778 cases settled where parents & guardians grievances taken.To make fruitful of grievances 4 groups divided by collaboration of 60 Volunteers.18 stalls opened convincing on Child related Informative.Successful grooms like Parsuram Raita Honored.
Besides that 46 Beneficiaries among Disabilities sanctioned Pension benefits where 11 wheel chairs,1 tri-cycle,10 with Banishree Schemes also given by the Guests.
Guests visited those Stalls & interrogated on situation analysis.DCPO Arun Kumar Tripathy & his Team had a best preparatory task to make successful of the events.Not the least Volunteers from NYK,NCC,District Childline Unit too coordinated