Health Work shop for Berhampur District Police

Berhampur dated 28thMay 2022: Berhampur district police in association with Diabetes &Endocare Clinic has organized aworkshop on Diabetes, Thyroid, Obesity, Hypertension and other endocrine disorders at its District Police office premises. Superintendent of Police Dr S Vivek M the chief guest for the event. Additional SP Sri Aseem Panda presided over the meet, where Dr Sunil Kumar Kota, Endocrinologist and Diabetes Superspecialist from Diabetes and Endocare Clinic, participated as the chief resource person. SP Dr S Vivek called upon the police personnel to lay emphasis upon physical and mental fitness in order to address the growing challenges and demands from society. Dr Sunil Kumar Kota explained to the staffs of Berhampur District Police about causes, prevention and treatment of various endocrine disorders.
Now 78milion Indian people are suffering from Diabetes. Physical cum mental stress associated with the police service, puts these personnel at more risk of developing lifestyle related disorders. Therefore Dr Sunil called upon the police personnel to undergo annual testing for blood sugars, cholesterol and blood pressure starting from 40 years of age. Apart from proper diet control, regular exercise and lifestyle changes, diabetic patients should take medicines regularly and do periodic testing as per the doctor’s advice. Dr Sunil emphasized upon the prevalence, symptoms of Hypertension, Obesity, Thyroid disorders in India. Timely treatment and periodic follow up with doctor prevents the complications. Later on the police personnel engaged Dr Sunil in an interactive question and answer session on various health related queries. Additionally blood sugar and blood pressure, thyroid testing was done for them. An educational material on Diabetes and Thyroid disorders was later on provided to each of the 150 odd participants.
Among others Addl SP Sri Ramesh Ch Sethy, DSP Sri Niranjan Dhir, DSP Sri Akshay Nayak, SDPO (Town) Sri Bishnu Pati and Reserve Inspector Sri DilipBeharawere present. Praising his efforts for creating awareness of Endocrine disorders among people from various sections of the society, Sri Ramesh Sethy requested him to continue these efforts for others as well. SP Dr Vivek M urged Dr Kota to carry on such activities for Berhampur district police and nearby other district polices as well on a regular basis. Additional SP Sri Ramesh Ch Sethy concluded the session by extending vote of thanks to Dr Sunil Kota for taking his valuable time out to create awareness among the police personnel.