Gupteswar A Rising Star of Gajapati Coveted OAS

Paralakhemundi:Gajapati shinned by a brilliant student of Saraswati Sishu Vidyamandir, who could qualify OAS. His name is Gupteswar Mahapatra. Son of Krushnachandra & Bhagyabati an inhabitant of Krushnanagar of Paralakhemundi. From childhood he ampered for big dream & being a meritorious student secured 3rd in Gajapati district in 10th board examination(89℅) & also secured 76℅ in +2 Science. He completed BTech from CUTM & joined as Software Engineer at Hyderabad. That was his stepping stone to join on coaching for UPSC. Meanwhile he was successful on OSSC & joined as ACTO & now stationed at Brahmapur.
On his success on achieving OAS,he profounded blessings of his parents & teachers who stimulated him to reach his dream. Family of only brother among 3 sisters, Gupteswar had stellar role on painstaking preparation for OPSC which proved ultimately on his favor. Principal of SSVM, Saroj Panda & teachers,not the least people of Gajapati district blessed him for his shinning.