Report;VK Bisarad,Odishabarta
Sir, Where is Our Stipend and Scholarship Fund (?).
Berhampur,04/12/19:The stipend and scholarship amount not yet been distributed to the qualified student and reason behind only the Principal Rajat Kumar Panigrahy can say.(!).
In spite of the AG Odisha comment against Principal, ITI, Berhampur the Odisha Government not yet taken any disciplinary action against him (?).
According to information, as per the Cash Book of the Govt. ITI,Berhampur the authority not disbursed the stipend and scholarship for the year 2006-07 Rs.34,860/-,year 2007-08 Rs 6402/- and the year 2008-09 Rs 17,330/- which total comes amounting Rd.58,592/-.
Notably, the Government officer plays a very important role to run the administration in our state. They are important constituents of the administrative set up their concern department. They are the pillar of the good governance of our state on whose shoulders the entire responsibility is fix to implement.
The College should provide good and quality education from the grass root level for better lifestyle of a student. Because of the loyalty as a Govt servant.
Today the public demands if the audited report is not honued by the Principal in such cases how we shall accept the slogan of Naveen Patnaik Govt “MO Sarkar” (?).
While discussed with the Principal,Panigrahy he said these all are old news and all issues already settled.