Gold & Silver Seized with 2 Convicts Arrested

Paralakhemundi:Police arrested 2 persons on burglary activities. On a press meeting IIC of Paralakhemundi Model Police Station Bibekananda Swain said that at ward no 7 of Sabani street from a house owner MRamayya had given complain of stolen at police station. At 3pm Ramayya went to see his house construction work, during that time those persons broken the key & looted gold & silver ornaments. Those persons belong to Jagannathpuram under Miliaputty police limits of Srikakulam district of Andhrapradesh. Among them Chiranjibi, who was moving caught by police. Other one Duryodhan too strangulated. From them 4 gms of all gold & silver ornaments seized. Both forwarded to court added Swain.