Ganjam: Six Habitual Offenders Nabbed in Ganjam Police District


Ganjam:As many as six habitual offenders were arrested by Patapur Police in Ganjam district of Odisha on Saturday and police have seized huge quantum of Gold Ornaments, two wheeler from their possession.
The accused persons have been identified Hari Dakua(23), of Village Dhabalpur,KureshuDakua(47), Village,-Dhabalapur,Topagulu Tuna (25), Village Dhabalapur, Eregola Basti (All are of PS-Sheragada, Dist-Ganjam),S.Sahiba (55), Of Village Jayanagar, EregolaBasti,S.Bikram (21), Village Jayanagar, EregolaBasti, (Both are of PS-Pattapur, Dist-Ganjam and B.RameshPatra (60),of Village Solasola of PS-Sheragada, Dist-Ganjam.
Acting on this a Patapur Police team, and other cops, conducted raids at multiple places and finally arrested the culprits under the directive instruction of the SP, Ganjam, Jagmohan Meena.
Police have successfully seized; One Gold Necklace (Nanu ) – 21.000 Gms, One Gold Necklace ( Nanu ) – 26.440 Gms,One Gold Chain – 8.050 Gms.,One pair Gold Ear Ring – 4.280 Gms., One pair Gold Ear Ring – 3.480 Gms., One pair Gold Ear Ring – 2.360 Gms.,One Gold finger ring – 3.970 Gms.,One pair Silver Anklet – 103.140 Gms.,Utensils, One Redmi 9 prime Android mobile phone., One black colour Bajaj Passenger Auto bearing Regd No- OD 07 C-0493.In addition to,113 gram more gold has been seized from the different receivers. So, total seizure of gold is about 180 grams.
According to release; The noted accused persons are habitual offender in property offence cases and the receiver accused B.Ramesh Patra(60), S/O-Late B.GopinathPatra, Vill-Solasola, PS-Sheragada, Dist-Ganjam is habitual in receive and disposal of the stolen property, he also involved as receiver of stolen property in several cases of deferent PSs. On the day of occurrence i.e in the intervene night of 13/41.05.2023 as per their previous planning the above noted accused persons came to village Kansamari by using one Bajaj RE Passenger bearing regd No-OD07-C-0493 of accused HariDakua. After that they entered into the house of complainant G.Rabindra Dora of vill-Kansamari and committed theft in respect of 1-one gold necklace(Nanu), 2-two pairs of gold ear rings, 3-One gold finger ring, 4-one gold chain and 5-one Redmi 9 prime mobile phone, vide IMEI-1 no-869733058634631, IMEI-2 no-866933058634549 from the house of G.Rabindra Dora. Then the above noted accused persons entered into the house of Jhunu Badatya of Kansamari by breaking upon the entrance doors and committed theft in respect of 1-one gold necklace (Nanu), 2-One gold ear rings, 3-One pair of silver anklet and 4-Utensils from her house.
After successful committing of offence the accused persons proceeded to village Dhabalpur and shared the stolen ornaments in between them. In which the accused Hari Dakua and Kuresu Dakua get one gold necklace(Nanu) as their share and all the rest gold ornaments they sold to the receiver accused B.Ramesh Patra(60), S/O-Late B.GopinathPatra, Vill-Solasola, PS-Sheragada, Dist-Ganjam with a price of RS-150000/-(Rupees one lakh and fifty thousand only) and taken their respective shares among them.
The accused S.Bikram(21), S/O-S.Sahiba, Vill-Jayanagar, ErogalaBasti, PS-Pattapur, Dist-Ganjam kept the stolen mobile phone i.eRedmi 9 prime mobile phone, vide IMEI-1 no-869733058634631, IMEI-2 no-866933058634549 and one silver anklet with him.All the stolen articles has been recovered from the accused persons and left in zima to the complainants G.Rabindra Patra, S/o-Late G.SahadevPatra, Village,Kansamari, PS-Pattapur, Dist-Ganjam.
All the above noted six accused persons are arrested and forwarded to the Hon’ble Court and the Further investigation of the case is continuing Ganjam SP informed about this in a press note