GANJAM,(Chatrapur):On Thursady a review meeting was conducted under the Chairmanship of ADM,Kabindra Kumar Sahu on paddy procurement during Kharif.
While some pockets of Ganjam district is witnessing farmers’ agony due to severe Covid19 attack, the district administration under the able leadership of Kabindra Kumar Sahu, ADM,Sub-Collectors’DRCS BR Dash,DIPRO Rabinarayan Behera,DAO,Officers from Food & Civil Supplies department is tackling the issue in a strategic manner. The meeting was held keeping in view of Covid guideline through Video Conferencing at District Office, Chatrapur.
During the District Level Procurement Committee (DLPC) meeting for Kharif Marketing procurement ADM, Sahu informed about the importance of farmers’ registration as the basic key and foundation for the paddy procurement. He shared about it had been decided to do away with Aadhar linked online registration. Instead, the farmers needed to bring a certificate from the concerned Revenue Inspector. So far 1,34,462 registered farmers of KMS 2019-20 are available on record entire 22 blocks and during the current year 2020-2021 another 1,19,081 are new farmers have registered who are interested to join the paddy procurement.
It was resolved to procure paddy there are all such centres proposed for this purpose according to Kabindra Kumar Sahu, who moderated the meeting.
All Revenue Inspectors and VLW are instructed to made a survey the existence of the farmer and their cultivating land records and the Officers of the concern department has to monitor and report to the District Office as soon as possible.