Gajapati Ustav Preparatory Meet

Paralakhemundi- Gajapati Ustav preparatory meeting held at RSETI conference hall. Presided by Collector Lingaraj Panda,GTRao President of ZP graced as chief guest where ADM Sangramsekhar Panda, Chairperson of SDC Mariyom Raita, Chairperson of Paralakhemundi Municipal Council Nirmala Sethy, ADM(Revenue)as guests of honour.
Owing to tag with World Cup Hockey to be staged on beginning of new year 2023 in Odisha,so it is decided to organize Gajapati Ustav from 18th to 22nd January 2023.Pallishri Mela will be continued for whole 5 days.Various committees reformed to make successful of the epic festival of the district.It is decided to organize block level various competitions like sports & other cultural events before 10th January 2023.To make successful local cultural team will present their solo programs with some prominent outreach teams. For all descipline & to keep sanctity of great historical & cultural filled district, accordingly preparation will be done. To commemorate Gajapati Ustav as usual Rahagiri at Paralakhemundi,district headquarter will be held to accomplish all innovation filled events.
Among others Executive Officer of Paralakhemundi Municipality Jublee Charan Behera, PD DRDA Romanchal Khamari,Deputy Collector Kiran Kumar Mahanty, District Culture officer Archana Mangaraj with all district heads of various line departments, learneds,representatives of various institutions, print & electronic media crews attended. ADM(Revenue) conveyed vote of thanks.