Gajapati district Congress Excited by Victory at Karnataka Assembly Election

Paralakhemundi- Gajapati district Congress Party thronged at road on grand victory of Congress in recent Assembly election that held at Karnataka.Led by district President cum MLA Mohana Dasarathi Gamango joined on rally & signalled as stepping stone ahead of both Assembly in Odisha & Parliament election.He said corruption filled BJP government shattered by voters at Karnataka.So they will not take lightly which bamboozled all poverty stricken not to see their welfare by both state & centre.Just eye wash will prove them what top IT sector state like Karnataka proved. Rural scenarios seemed not reaching at poorest section for which Congress again returned to power.Governance totally failure & that be remedial point for Congress to campaign against them on coming days.Among others veteran leader Abhimanyu Panda, district Vice President Basant Panda,Sangram Sahu,tribal leader Bernik Gamango,Gobind Chandra Padhi,Eswar Chandra Majhi, Suryanarayan Patra, Sheikh Parveen & other party workers gathered on such victorious rally.