Gajapati Collector Visited Gurandi

Paralakhemindi- Collector Gajapati Smrutiranjan Pradhan visited Gurandi village of Gosani block.
On his visit he instructed TPSCOL team to shift transformer,which covered main road. Later he visited boys hostel at mini stadium.He interacted with inmates. At that time those inmates were chanting Omkar & Ganesh Vandana,which impressed Collector.He was also present during food supply.That building is on dilapidated conditions. So he instructed for immediate renovations.
At CHC he visited hospital & enquired on issues of staff quarters.Due to lack of staff quarter health services is on dire straits.So he instructed for establishment of staff quarter from sanctioned fund.On the way he impressed to see those herbal plants those planted.That CHC is dependent for around 5000 populations.
So on most cases those patients use to move to district headquarter hospital at Paralakhemundi.On his visit Silpa Patra Sarpanch,PMohan Rao, Chinuraj Patra, Umasankar Patra, Karunakar Bisoyi, Tanmaya Patra,Lineman Prabhat Ranjan Behera were present.