Former VC of Berhampur University Prof.JK Mohapatra Nominated as Syndicate Member of Utkal University


Berhampur: Eminent educationist and former Vice Chancellor of Berhampur University Prof. Jayant Kumar Mohapatra has been nominated as a member of Syndicate of Utkal University.

Prof. Mahapatra has been nominated for the prestigious post for a period of four years as Syndicate Member of Utkal University according to notification of D&HE,Govt of Odisha.

He is nativity of  Gajapati district but settle at Berhampur for long time.Prof Mahapatra was  Vice Chancellor of Berhampur University  from July 2007 toJuly 2010.

During his tenure as Vice Chancellor of Berhampur University he did many commendable works for the larger interest of the institution and Sate. In his tenure as VC his first mission and vision is to regularised a contractual staff those are victimise for years together and he extended Justice what he dream for..Made lot of infrastrure development, Changed the teaching pattern also able to get all pending UGC grants of the university.”Once he told to Scribe “Govt has pleased to appoint as Vice Chancellor, I Congratulate but I single cannot manage the entire the system alone without the help from all my College, staff members and my all loving students, Because  its a  collective work”.

Prof.Mahaptra not only an academician he visited many Countries for talk as speaker. Basically Mahapatra a prefect Guru of Political Science ,published so many papers, produced hundred scholars and being honoured not only in India even abroad.

As per the notification, he is one of the three members nominated by the Higher Education Department of Odisha Government for the key post at Utkal University. The D&HE  issued the notification  on Friday according to source.

Two other members are Prof. Dr. Sonamali Bag, Former Director of Medical Education & Training (DMET) Odisha and Prof. Sanghamitra Mohanty, Former Vice-Chancellor, Sriram Chandra Bhanja Deo University, Baripada.