Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta

PARALAKHEMUNDI:On the eve of Gandhi Jayanti an event taken by Paralakhemundi Municipality to keep all physical fitness & sound health. Facilitated by Executive Officer of Paralakhemundi Municipality,Ashok Kumar Rout, all staff members,Asst.Engineer,JEs and others joined at short training under Yoga Guru who pervaded all pranayam & other physical balance tips to the patrons. Such moves indeed feeling relax of those tight venture engaged staff on Covid-19,says Mr.Rout.
Naissance interest by urban authorities to build perfect fitness an alma meter where urbanites too participated. Owing to Covid-19 perfect social distance maintained.
Public anticipating such moves at least on Sunday once in a week say a senior citizen. Such moves must be accolade and people can join more & more to keep their physical fitness.