First Freedom from Parala Book in English Launched

Paralakhemundi-First freedom for independence from Britishers clutch in Parala,written book by Purnachandra Mahapatra(originally in Odia)translated in English. That book launched on a special occasion at Utkal Hiteishini Samaj premises. That book translated by Ishanchand Omkar & Amrit Panigrahi. Presided by Prof. Madanmohan Mahapatra President of South Odisha History Association(SOHA); among guests Shyama Prasad Mishra Vice President of SOHA,Shib Prasad Dash Secretary, Dr.Ajay Kumar Tripathy, graced on the dias. Purnachandra Mahapatra shared his view,being the writer of the epic book about deemed contribution of undivided Ganjam where Tribals, Bisoyis among other communities dedicated their lives for freedom struggle.He also answered few quarries from participants for his unique hope to stake first freedom struggle before Sepoy mutiny on 1857.Member of Odisha Sahitya Academy Bichitrananda Bebarta welcomed the guests where Dr. Kalyani Mishra introduced the guests. More than dozens of historians among teachers & retd. teachers of various colleges also spoke on the essence of Mahapatra’s collections on freedom struggle. Bharat Bhushan Mahanty Tripati Prasad Panda, Bishnu Panda, Bhagabat Padhi coordinated the program. Binod Chandra Jena conveyed vote of thanks. Ugrasena Jena heredity of the martyr Dasarathi Jena honored on this occasion.