Report;Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi:Farmers of Kashinagar have a lacklustre privileges from selling their procured Paddy at Mandi of Kashinagar.
Despite Collector’s instruction to CSO for immediate operation of Paddy Purchase from Farmers on their embarrassment to sell at Mandi & assurance from CSO,too, start within 2 or 3 days at Grievances, still on cold storage, that held on 16th December 2019.That seen captive for Millers’ & neighbour Andhra Mediators to purchase at cake walk price from Farmers.
They are eager to sell their Paddy at nominal price declared by Govt. could have met their minimum expenses as most of them from Telugu Community & waiting their turn for Pongal Festival to celebrate. This is really a candid scenario for small & marginal farmers and according to Y.Dhananjaya Vice-President of local Farmer Association expressed anguish over delay on purchases of Paddy by RMC(Regulated Marketing Committee).So they hope to sort out their grave issues to sell Paddy at Mandi or else Mediators’ role put them at jinx.