ENDIACon- 2024: State level Conference on Diabetes&Endocrinology held at Berhampur

Berhampur : ENDIACon- 2024, a state level conference addressing various aspects of Diabetes & Endocrinology was inaugurated at IMA hall, Berhampur. The conference is organized by Dr Sunil Kumar Kota, Consultant Endocrinologist from SwasthyaSadan, Berhampur in association with PG Dept of General Medicine, MKCG Medical College and IMA (Indian Medical Association) Berhampur. DrNiharRanjanSahoo was the scientific secretary, who worked in concert with Dr Kota to craft the scientific curriculum. Dr Santosh Kumar Mishra, DMET (Director of Medical Education & Training), Govt of Odisha was the chief guest for the inaugural ceremony where DrSuchitra Dash, Dean &Principal, MKCG Medical College; Dr Banka Bihari Das, President, IMA Berhampur and DrLalit Kumar Meher, Senior Professor in Medicine were invited as the guests of honor. All the guests unanimously opined that prevalence of Diabetes is in upswing across the globe including India. Therefore periodic update of the doctors involved in care of people having Diabetes and Endocrine disorders is very much important. Simultaneously they requested the doctors to reach out to people in distress in form of education and proper management. Dr L K Meher thanked Dr Sunil Kota and DrNiharSahoo for their tremendous efforts in organizing this kind of scientific event for doctors from South Odisha. DMET Dr Mishra, requested Dr Kota to continue with his educational activities for doctors and general public alike.
There are total of 40 deliberations on different aspects of diabetes and endocrinology to be delivered by academic experts from across Odisha. All total 400 doctors registered for the 2 day long scientific event. Doctors from General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, ENT and Psychiatry attended the sessions. At the end of the inauguration ceremony, Dr Sunil Kota thanked the following people includingDr K KPanigrahy, DrAnandSastry, DrBadriDandapani, Dr Gopal Patra, DrJitendraPanigrahy, DrTikinaBehera, DrMinakshi Muni; PG students from MKCG Medical college including DrSubhasis, DrRupali, DrEklavya and a number of volunteers from SwasthyaSadan for having contributed selflessly for successful conduct of the event. At the concluding day of the event, a certificate of participation by SwasthyaSadan shall be issued to all the attendees citing 8 credit hours sanctioned by Odisha Council of Medical Registration.