Empty Canopy looks Odd at India Gate (New Delhi)


DELHI:After opening of National War Memorial near India Gate in New Delhi, tourist footfall has tremendously increased in this area. Various governments concentrate too much on erecting statues. But it is indeed shocking and surprising that no government has ever thought of removing the eye-sore in form of empty canopy ever since statue of King George V was removed from here many decades ago.

Present Union Government should take an early decision to fill the gap by installing a combined statue of trio freedom-fighters Bhagatsingh-Sukhdev-Rajguru inside the canopy. Alternatively, a statue of Netaji Subhash Chand Bose can be installed in the canopy whose Azad Hind Fauz was instrumental (and not any nonviolent movement) in giving India freedom from Britishers.

Since politically worshipped MK Gandhi never fought a war against British regime in India, it will not be appropriate at all to place his statue inside the canopy now surrounded by National War Memorial. Otherwise also, complete country is already flooded with his statues which are nothing but an overdose of profiling of an individual.
