Delhi:Election-results for Jharkhand-assembly which were on expected lines, should be eye-opener for BJP where it could not even become single largest party despite having maximum vote-percentage. Unfortunately alliance with parties earlier involved in scams and scandals is going to be in power in the state because of shortcomings of outgoing BJP in the state.
BJP lost mainly due to its fight with its own persons having left the party and its former allies who contested elections separately harming themselves too. State units of BJP should be made powerful rather than central leadership imposing candidates from top. Even votes gained by BJP are mainly because of lack of alternate before the voters. BJP must not forget that Aam Admi Party (AAP) in Modi-wave created history by winning 67 out of 70 seats in 2015 elections to Delhi assembly because voters visualised a real political alternative in AAP.
BJP is also losing ground because of central government not taking effective and practical steps to tackle economic crisis causing hardships of all classes of people. A total overhaul of economy is necessary by one-time massive reform in GST-structure and restoring activities in wholesale and retail trade which contributes largest 28-percent to economy. It can be done by merging slabs of 3, 5, 12 and 18 percent slab to one single 10-percent slab abolishing Input-Tax-Credit (ITC) from manufacturing and service sector. Wholesale and retail trade can be encouraged by imposing strict restrictions on on-line trade, and central government bearing transaction-charges on purchases made through credit-cards by asking banks issuing credit-cards to reduce it to just half-percent by abolishing incentives on purchases made through credit-cards.