Drunkard Staff at Gumma CHC

Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi:For poor patients government streaming huge amount. But matter paralyzed by all irregularities by staff that found at Gumma CHC. An NHM(Nationak Health Mission)staff serving as BPM Gangadhar Acharya dumped with all indiscipline activities. Since last 3 years he is serving at Gumma CHC, but he is not regular on his duty.Even dared to threatening subordinate staff, begging bribery, regularly addicted with liquor.Moreover asking money for birth & death certificates too.This hospital dependable for 20000 population covered Gumma block.
Action against him needed what locals retorted.
Analysing on status of hospital toilets not regularly cleaned, nor available of drinking water. Patients coming to hospital facing all turmoils.So overall review needed for neat function of hospital and management demanded by local people.