Drinking Water Scarcity at Gosani Block

Gajapati:On Vasudha Yojana government trying to meet regular drinking water supply.
But in various rural areas it is found scarcity of drinking water supply due to incompletion of infrastructures. Such is the case at Gosani block of Tatipeti, SKatturu BKatturu,Chatrapur, SKuruda,KKuruda & Dhamunigaon. Due to lack of posting of pump driver such hazards found. At BKotturu SKotturu & Chatrapur pipeline extended but overhead tank not constructed. Around 3000 population staying at above 3 villages.
Similarly at Tatipeti since last 5 years villagers suffering to get drinking water. Though pipeline fixed but due to old one junks found & water supply abandoned. Further due to site selection problem for construction of overhead yet to be constructed. Rather they are bound to depend on well with polluted water. At SKuruda & KKuruda since last 6 years facilities completed but motor destroyed during last Titli cyclone & further repair or re-establish of motor not done. While discussed with Siba Prasad Palo Asst. Engineer of Water & Sanitation department, he said at Dhamunigaon pump driver not posted which to be done by host panchayat. At BKotturu, SKotturu & Chatrapur lack of sites for overhead tank to establish due to conflict. Still attempts made to settle on sites selection.
At Tatipeti village such issues continued. Villagers suffer to get pure drinking water due to twist of administration & line department.