DPM Puri Narayan Brought Laurel for Gajapati

Paralakhemundi:T Narayan Rao DPM(District Program Manager)of NHM (National Health Mission),Puri honoured by state level function. Brought an incredible progress of all NHM interventions, eg,NHM budget vs expenditure, maximum number of Kayakalpa awards achievements, maximum achievements of NCD (non-communicable diseases) screening, full coverage of immunization, implementation of all NHM activities, detection of TB cases & treatment 2019-20 & 2020-21 he scored second on state level. From Shalini Pandit, Mission Director of NHM he got citation to bring allround feature development for Puri district with all appreciations. Started his career from NGO & accomplished his commitment for grassroots particularly for backward community. Later on he joined as BPM of NHM & posted at Khajuripada CHC of Nuagada block. His exquisite progress made a stellar role to join as DPM & posted at Sambalpur & Balasore districts.Now he stationed at Puri district. On his great feat President of SWWS DJagannathraju & all chief functionaries of various NGOs lauded.