Disturbed Puja, Minor Kills Elderly Man (!!!).

Berhampur:On 4 October evening around 5 PM in Prem Nagar Off Shop no – 4 under Badabazar police station, a 47 yr old Gopal Krishna Patro was drinking . At the same time a 16 yr old Minor was also drinking nearby.
At that time as per eyewitnesses the 16 yr old boy asked for some money to Gopal Krishna Patro.
Gopal Krishna Patro refused to give money , instead he scolded and slapped the minor for asking money to him.
The minor left the place and went outside and waited for Gopal Krishna Patro to come out. When Gopal Krishna Patro came out of the shop, the minor attacked him with stone causing severe head injuries on him . Gopal Krishna Patro was shifted to hospital.
Juvenile 16 yr old is detained. The minor belongs to Dhanamera Sahi under Badabazar PS and was previously involved in theft & burglary cases of Badabazar Police station.
He was previously involved in the following cases.u/s 379/34 IPC ( stealing iron pipes ) and Case dated 16-9-2022 us 457/380 IPC ( stealing articles from grocery shop under Aska road )