District Magistrates Should be Directed not to Issue Eviction-Orders

District Magistrates should be directed not to issue eviction-orders if requested by banks till one year after return of normalcy at least in cases of self-occupied residential properties
New Delhi:Several banks especially the private ones have initiated inhuman and harshest recovery-processes including under Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest (SARFAESI) Act, 2002 especially after a Supreme Court order of March 2021 lifting stay on banks declaring Non-Performing-Assets (NPAs). Unfortunately such harsh and inhuman recovery-processes are initiated even on borrowings on self occupied residential properties without realising that affected borrowers and their family-members could become roofless in present most critical days of corona.
Considering inhuman approach of private banks, all District Magistrates should be directed by a widely-publicised government-notification that they may not issue any eviction order in favour of banks at least in cases of self-occupied residential properties at least till after one year after return of normalcy or say till 31.12.2022. Even borrowers need time to settle down after return of normalcy. Presently when such borrowers have no money for their livelihood and day-to-day expenses, how can they be made roofless in corona-days when food, shelter and clothing are basis needs of any human being. Rather District Magistrates should be directed to order fresh initiation under SARFEASI ACT in such cases after 31.12.2022 or later in case corona-crisis remains in existence even one year before 31.12.2022.
Input;Mr.Subash Agarwal