District Level School Football Tournament Bid Adieu

Paralakhemundi-7 days long school level for under 17 football tournament concluded. Chief guest Jayram Satpathy SP of Gajapati graced as chief guest where Sangramsekhar Panda, ADM(Revenue) Pradip Kumar Nayak, Chairperson of Paralakhemundi Municipal Council Nirmala Sethy,Deputy Collector-cum-District Sports Officer Natabar Garada,ADEO Manojranjan Dalai graced as guests of honor. Presided by Pradosh Kumar Nayak DEO, totally 13 teams participated. On final match Paralakhemundi Municipal Team defeated Mohana by 2-0 goal among boys. Gosani girls team was winner of final match, where RUdayagiri was runner. They got their award from guests. Among others former district Science Supervisor-cum- Headmaster of Tabarada High School Satmik Patnaik, Physical Instructor Surendra Patra, Priyadarshi Mishra coordinated the meeting where Amulya Panigrahi fecilitated the meeting. From district 195(both boys & girls) players participates in the tournament where 85 PET teachers had their successful endeavours for tournament.