Dist. Level Eradication of Child Labor & Youth Labor on Risk Attention Workshop Organized

Paralakhemundi-At ZP conference hall eradication of child labour & streaming on youth labour a workshop organized. Facilitated by District Labour Officer Loknath Panda,Collector Gajapati Smrutiranjan Pradhan graced as chief guest.Chairman of CWC Aswini Kumar Mahapatra,DSP of DIB Srinibas Acharya, DCPO Arun Kumar Tripathy shared on dias. A committee formed with members of child protection unit,childline, CWC & staff of police department formed. Those firms engaged minor children below 14 will be illegal. So in between 15-18 years those youths too banned for work. Those involved them illegally will be penalized ₹50000.Even engaging children too be imprisoned with fine. If repeated they will be under bar for 3 years. Involving 15 to 18 years youths on life risk those firms too be informed at helpline number 155368 or childline number 1098.Addl.Labour Officer Somnath Patra, members of childline & other officers of various departments attended the workshop.