Discrepancies on Housing Allotment at Mohana

Gajapati:At Mohana block of Gajapati district in interior area those needy beneficiaries are hardly on list for housing program. Daily earners, destitutes are deserved to get housing. But bargaining of 5000 to 10000 for housing now planked. PEOs manipulated those shortlisted beneficiaries if they are unable to pay bribe. At Nalaghat of Khariguda panchayat surprisingly names of beneficiaries manipulated, as link between PEO & Sarpanch pandora box opened. Those names shortlisted 2/3 years back but strike out later for those deserving beneficiaries. Even they are not allowed to meet BDO for their grievances where PEO intervening them. Now villagers United take stringent step on road block against PEO & Sarpanch.On retrospect PEO said all such are bogus,rather those who are genuine their names will be shortlisted.