Disability and destitution not deterrents for two matriculate students in Rayagada

Badal Tah, Odishabarta,Rayagada, 03-06-2024 : Will power can defeat disability & destitution. This has been proved in the case of two students of Rayagada, who recently passed out in matriculation.
Kamesh Kadraka, a poor tribal lad of village Siripur in Kalyan Singhpur block, is a living example.  After his father Lachhapati Kadraka died of heart attack six years ago, mother Salai Kadraka was determined to to support Kamesh’s education. Kamesh was just 9 years old and studying in class four. Salai used to work as a daily labourer to feed her son. While Kamesh was studying in class 10 in the nearby Govt Adarsh School & preparing for final exams, his mother was diagnosed with diabetes and passed away four months ago. When his mother was ailing, Kamesh was appearing for the 10th test exam. When his mother passed away, all the hell broke on Kamesh. He could not even concentrate on his studies as he is the only son.  Though his maternal uncle chipped in during this crucial juncture, he could only provide two square meals to the minor child as the uncle also comes from a very poor background.  Despite all the hurdles, Kamesh decided to appear in the final exam. Lo & behold, he passed the exam with low marks to the astonishment of his relatives and community members, who assumed that Kamesh would certainly fail.  When this correspondent met Kamesh in his home, he seemed jubilant and wanted to take any challenge to continue his education in a residential institution. The villagers have appealed to the govt authorities and private philanthropists to extend support for Kamesh’s higher education.   

Similarly, another poor boy named Shivam Tiwari lives in Amalabhatta under Chandili police station. He is born differently abled. He can’t hear or speak. But has passed the matric examination with 72% marks. He faces a severe financial crunch to pursue his higher education. However, he has no mood to give up in spite of financial problems. His strong morale and will power is standing tall against his disability and financial constraint.
After the death of the father due to prolonged paralysis, the mother Arati Tiwari struggled to run the house by paying the rent of the shop and the house with what she earned from a small cloth shop. According to Aarti it is difficult for her to enroll her younger son in college while the elder son is continuing for his engg diploma in GIACR engg college. She said that after the death of her husband, she worked hard day and night to run her house and educate her two sons. Now it will not be possible for him to teach Shivam anymore. Aarti has appealed to the government, district administration and philanthropists to extend a helping hand to her son.
On hearing such news, social activist and senior journalist Dr. Badal kumar Tah along with Shyam Das, Tapan Kumar Kadraka, Kailas Swain & Ajay Rath on behalf of Rayagada Nagarik Mancha, Zilla Sambadika Sangha & SAKSHAM met Kamesh Kadraka and Shivam Tiwari & contributed rupees ten thousand each. The said team has assured that necessary efforts will be made to approach the local industries in the district and the government to support Kamesh, Shivam & other such needy students.