Rabindranath Patra,Secretary. Institute of Social Action and Research Activities (ISARA).

Odisha.Corona is a newly emerged unseen virus for which there is no readymade medicine or specific treatment but however observing the symptoms our doctors are trying their level best through various health advisory methods and symptom based medicine composition to save the life’s of affected people. Medicine scientists are trying their level best to find out solutions by inventing reliable medicines etc.
At present there is one option I.e psycho-therapy like maintaining social distance in our each and every activity, maximum time it is better to stay at home, regular hand washing particular while you enter in house from outside and using for mask is must while going outside in any emergency work.Here we have issues like livelihood and work performance, still here also one must have to maintain social distance.
It is a global issue not only in India. At the national level centre govt are taking equally precautionary steps to fight against corona.
Now we at grass root level NGO and volunteers have to play a major role particularly to sensitize the community people to follow the govt health advisory guidelines for a long time in each and every level.
In this connection earlier we have proved GO-NGO collaboration Odisha please recall for 1987 draught 1991 cyclone 1999 super cyclone 2004 tsunami till date we have covered phyline, hood hood, titli, fani and also other disaster and epidemics which tested and proved wort full for the affected people.
The Dist administration is really full cooperative and hope the GO-NGO collaborative effort will prove the historic result to check control this issue for ever. Our suggestion to from a district level advisory committee including some dedicated intellectual rated doctors, religious leaders, NGO heads, Grass root leaders, some of peoples representative those who have enough influence in local level, so it will easy to control and motivate people those who are out of track to follow govt health advisory guidelines and also they can able to solve the village level issues and motivate people to abide the govt health advisory guide lines.
Now it is the time for summer and kharif cultivation we have to look after how the farmers In village level will get quality agriculture inputs in time with some subside and also in genuine rate. And also this is the right time some traders are also waiting to cheat and exploit the farmers in various way and options of during sell of inputs. So Dist admin also look after this where this advisory committee will also provide input to the admin.
At last I do appeal to all the people please follow the COVID-19 relate all govt health advisory guide lines.
Please completely follow and maintain social distance in your each and every activity in personal, in home and work place also. Practice regular hand wash. Use face mask always while you are in outside and also while meeting other people. Please mind it corona issue will not going to end very soon it depends on how we follow the preventive strategies to defeat corona.
Bhikari Charan Behera Secretary of PEACE

A Leading NGO working at Mohana and Nuagada blocks of Gajapati district.We are involved on Health, Education, Livelihood since last 25 years.At Nuagada we are operating Maa Gruha where a shelter for maternity care managed by trained staff. Those women from interior pockets of Kirama, Anugur, Sambalpur, Sundardango,Udayapur,Tabarda & Luangar gps are staying before delivery with all health care & logistics supports.At Mohana block gps like Adava,Karchabadi,Lambaguda,Damadua,Paniganda and Kottamma covered for Maternity Care.
Under COVID-19 various programs like home counselling,Sensitization on Social Distancing, using Masks, regular hand washing done.All the women are given individual soaps,sanitizers & masks to protect from Corona.Collector Gajapati Anupam Saha visited our shelter at Niagara block.Time to time from District Head Quarter Hospital & CHC Mohana staff also visiting our shelters at Nuagada and Mohana block respectively. We hope Corona Virus will be squeezed by our every Psycho-therapy Treatment. Slogans of “Stay safe & stay at home must be obeyed by all.
Durga Madhab Panda,Secretary,Jana Kalyan Pratisthan

Jana Kalyan Pratisthan is working in 50 villages of Gumma,R Udayagiri,Mohana and Gumma.Our staff members empowered with recent COVID-19 & busy on Social Awareness through 3 measures e.g. hand washing, social distancing & using my masks. We are undertaking Livelihoods program which is also a part to aware them to maintain the above awareness. As government declared to start MGNREGS where through this methods our backward community have their sound involvement. This must be a regular practice not due to COVID-19 but to take care everybody’s health. We also involve by distributing Masks & supplying cooking food in various villages. Through Radio Janvani we too sensitize such programs to reach at people. We hope despite tolerance we can wipe out Novel Corona as we see few recovering cases which is a green signal & indeed Gajapati is at Green zone on interventions on COVID-19.I hope let it be restored.
S.Motilal Reddy, SURAKSHA

We are working on various areas like Livelihoods, Health & Agriculture Programs in 31 villages of Mohana, Gumma,Nuagada & RUdayagiri blocks. Recent Novel Corona lost all hopes among Tribal people.But we are fortunate of GO-NGO relationship building to counter such dangerous virus from our areas. We are also part of sensitizing people on Social Awareness through Social Distancing, using Masks & regular hand washing. We distributed 915 nos of Masks, practising social awareness through above 3 methods.MLA Mohana Dasarathi Gamango visited our 2 villages & distributed Masks where local Sarpanch was also present.
Lingaraj Panigrahi,Secretary HELP

The GO-NGO Coordination in Gajapati proved to single out all issues say Natural Calamities or Livelihoods. We have vast experiences stimulating with backward people. We are also part of government supported programs & just COVID-19 created panic among daily bread earners. People are trying to remember those who are far away of their family members and all where about.
Here migration is rampant particularly from Kashin and Gosani blocks where most of them are at Hyderabad,Vishakhapatnam & other places. One sorrowful thing happened at Jajpur village where a child residing with grandparents was died during COVID-19 & his parents only acknowledged such sad news but could reach here.Still despite all havocs NGOs are brilliant my with District Administration to take up challenges on Social Awareness campaign.We hope we can eradicate if we maintain same as habits like Social distancing,using masks & regular hand washing.