TALCHER:A fly over bridge is made by the Eco. railways with the help of Odisha State Government  in between Talcher Railway Station and Budhapank terminal and by the side of Talcher Thermal Power Station (NTPC) from Jagannthpur to Anand Bazar is an illegal construction, because the villagers of Dighi under Talcher Block are very much neglected to get their compensation as mentioned in sction 29 of new act 2013 (R F C T L R R ACT,2013. The land losers and affected inhabitants  of Dighi village have knocked the door of Honorable High Court ,Odisa to get proper justice and in the mean time honorable High Court passed an order W.P(C) 1876/2016, Directed to the concerned authorities of state govt.  for assessing the properties of the affected villagers within a period of four weeks  from the date of production of the certifird copy of the court order. But the concerned authorities including D M of Angul and land aquisition officer  of Talcher Tahasil have not completed the dirction of honorable High court and they violet the law accordingly, The time given by the Honorable High Court to carry out the above order is already expired and no notice is being issued to the affected parties and their land, structures and trees have not been reassessed as per section 29 of new act 2013.

On the other hand the present sub collector of Talcher is not in a mood to listen the affected villagers of Dighi and persists to complete the gap pannels over the land of Dighi villagers of the fly over bridge by engaging police forces at any cost, in a press meet  the affected villagers told before media persons. They told that this issue have been disscussed several times with the sub collector,Tahasildar, Police admis. and villagers. According to 2013 rehabilation policy , the affected villagers should be compensated at a fair price atleast the four times of market value by providing employment and resettlement. Having not decided by the local admin. the affected villagers went to Odisha HIgh Court in 2014 , the case is still pending in the court and by virtue of the order of the court the costruction of the fly over bridge was halted from 2014. However  the villagers complained that the present sub collector of Talcher is trying to expedite the construction of fly over bridge by disobeying the order of the Honorable court. The affected villagers , on the othe other hand are worried about the local admistration’s reluctance to do so. The villagers of Dighi also met Talcher MLA Brajakishore Pradhan regarding this issue, Sj. Pradhan assured them not to worry about this matter, after local body election, a meeting will be fixed with Angul District admin. for proper solution of the issue.

It is learned that the people of Dighi lost their land and houses for Talcher Thermal Power Plant in 1960, but found nothing, now they are living in a confind space with their families. They are wondering where to go , if the fly over bridge is built. Local admin. is being reluctant to listen their grivances, they are very much sucked and pray the state Gornment and Honorable Chief minister to take this matter sympathetically and give them justice, with tearfull eyes the villagers told before media.

Among others Prahallad Sahu, Gyanendra Nayak, Sarat Chandra Sahu, Bipin Bihari Nayak, Soubhagya Chandra Nayak, , T. Babu Rao , Ajay Kumar Nayak and many villagers were present.