BhagabatPadhi/ Rajesh Patnaik,Odishabarta
GAJAPATI,(Paralakhemundi/Kashinagar):DIG Southern Range Mr Satyabrata Bhoi visited Paralakhemundi and checked few Andhra border NAKA points.
During his visit to such remote district, he had a wide discussion with Collector Gajapati Anupam Saha and SP Sarah Sharma.
Speaking to Press,Mr Bhoi accoladed all imperative steps taken by Gajapati District Administration. Further he requested cooperation from all corners to eradicate Novel Corona.
At Kashinagar near Andhra border still their administration is making hue & cry to disturb Odisha area by unauthorizingly interfering.Kashinagar Tehsildar had a close vigil by sealing border points but from nearest border areas they are creating embarrassment by digging at Odisha road area.
Tehsildar Santi Swaroop Mishra had a discussion with Batur CI recently but it seemed they are creating jinx by interfering in our areas.Moreso at Religuda of Odisha at border point neighbour state entering vehemently despite at Kamalguda of Andhra Pradesh there available of all health services too.This just a noviced factor for administration to tackle such grave issues.
The commendable painstaking efforts by SP,Gajapati Ms Sharma at Badakhinga village which is near to Paralakhemundi and a border point of Andhra Pradesh. She had her eloquence to sensitize villagers of that villagers not to allow any border people & formed Volunteers who can be the supporting role with district administration to check not only entrance from border areas but to report to administration. In case of any illness they may refer to DHH Paralakhemundi which is at 24×7 services.
Everything at control and at ease not having Corona infection comparing at Andhra Pradesh, but still cautions needed for all check & balance unless people of border areas cooperate with district administration.