
Berhampur,23/11/22: On the occasion of World Diabetes Day and National Pharmacy Week,, Diabetes &Endocare Clinic, Berhampur lead by Dr Sunil KumarKota, Consultant Endocrinologist & Diabetes Superspecialistin association with Roland Institute ofPharmaceutical Sciences, Berhampur has organized a Diabetes awareness rally at Berhampur.Around 200 participants registered for the event, where Smt Sanghamitra Dalei, Hon’ble Mayor, Berhampur was the chief guest with Dr Ramesh Ch ChyauPattanayak, Hon’ble Member, Planning Board, Govt of Odisha; Sri E Vivek Reddy, Hon’ble Dy Mayor Berhampur; Prof Dr AbaniKanta Mishra, Principal, MKCG Medical College; Dr Uma Shankar Mishra, CDMO, Ganjam; Dr B V V Ravi Kumar, Principal, Roland Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Dr K KPanigrahy, secretary, Indian Medical Association, Berhampur and Dr B Nageswar Rao Subudhi, Ophthalmologist as the guests of honour. Smt Sanghamitra Dalei asked everyone in the family and society as a whole to wake up to the increasing prevalence of these lifestyle disorders and stressed upon diet control and a regulated life style. Dr Ramesh Ch ChyauPattanayakhighlighted the importance ofregular exercise and proper lifestyle in maintaining healthy life both in diabetics and non diabetics.Sri E Vivek Reddy laid emphasis upon Diabetes as a significant comorbidity in the COVID times giving rise to increased complications. Dr Abani Mishra and Dr Uma Shankar Mishra stressed upon the fact that because of strong familial inheritance associated with Diabetes, it is imperative upon the young generation to adopt healthy life from now onwards. Dr KK Panigrahy and Dr B N R Subudhi highlighted the importance of routine screening for detection of diabetes related complications at an earlier stage and stated that these awareness programs would go a long way in making people aware about Diabetes and other lifestyle disorders.DrSunil Kota emphasized upon regular testing and specialist consultation to avoid any untoward situationarising out of Diabetes. Dr B V V RaviKumar, Principal& Dr Ch Niranjan Patro, Vice Principal, Roland Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences stressed upon the theme of thisyear’s National Pharmacy week “Know you medicines; Ask your pharmacist” and called uponbudding pharmacists and the people at large to always be vigilant on self medication andunnecessary therapy.
Addressing the gathering, Dr Kota underscored the theme of the event ie “Access to Diabetes Care- Education to Protect Tomorrow”. It is important on the part of various govt and non govt agencies to come together and enhance the logistic support to tide over the ever expanding demon of non communicable disorders like Diabetes, Obesity, Hypertension. Especially the vulnerable rural populace, who are not spared by these disorders need special attention in from of testing, treatment and monitoring of complications. Dr Kota highlighted that one informed person should be a source ofenlightenment to many.
An awareness material on Diabetes by Dr Sunil Kota was presented to the guests and was distributedamongst participants. Smt Sanghamitra Daleithanked DrSunil for his tremendous efforts to build up awareness among the people from various places ofSouth Odisha. Dr Ramesh Chyaupattanayak and Sri E V Reddy thanked Dr Kota for his vital role during COVID times in form of patient treatment and awareness through various channels. Dr Kota further thanked the guests and others for their active participation.Subsequently guests flagged offthe walk, where people participated with a uniform dress codeconveying the theme and carried blue coloured balloons placards carrying the message of healthy living in diabetes.
Therally started from MKCG Medical College Main Gateand proceeded through Engineering School, LIC Divisional Officeto end at Roland Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ambapua. Around 3000 diabetes educational pamphlets were distributedamongst the passing by people during the rally. Amongst others Dr BimalenduChoudhury, Dr Jyoti Pattanaik, faculty and students of Roland institute of Pharmaceutical sciences, Staff of Diabetes &Endocare Clinic, Volunteers too graced the occasion.